Tag Archive: Wait

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

The natural human tendency when confronted with a challenge and you do not know what to do is fight, flight or freeze. By fight, you confront the situation not knowing what the outcome… Continue reading

Give It Some Time

We often have the tendency to reach our desired goals in little or no time. For example, we want to be successful fast, make money fast, be the best in our career fields… Continue reading

When You Least Expect It…

This is for you today… But those who trust the Lord     will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles     soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run     without getting tired. Isaiah… Continue reading

Wait A Minute, Have You Counted The Cost?

With time, I have come to realize an element of truth in the saying that empty vessels make the loudest noise. To take this a step further, those who make the loudest noise… Continue reading