Tag Archive: Work

It’s A Good Fight!

In fulfilling your life’s mission or God given purpose, make sure you do not back down or give up! Life will throw at you stones but you have to keep using those stones… Continue reading

Beauty In The Dirt

There is a certain type of unpredictability that I love about Jesus Christ. When you least expect it, He shows up for you. There’s something about having mixed emotions of surprise, joy and… Continue reading

Break Free From It

Sometimes we are so stuck in our ways that we give God a tough time working through, and with us. Can you imagine how much God would do through us if we could… Continue reading

Thank God It’s Friday! Now Please Rest!

TGIF friends! As we start this weekend, I want to encourage you to simply rest. Do you know that a good percentage of illnesses are due to stress? Not getting enough rest contributes… Continue reading

Kill The Snake Properly!

First of all, the title of this post does not imply harming animals, so kindly read on. I once had a professor who gave complicated exams. When the time for exams was near,… Continue reading

Will God Do It Or Do I Have a Part To Play?

“God will do it.” I hear this statement every now and then. This statement gets me excited at times but as well upset! There are situations where after all has been said and… Continue reading

Don’t Touch! I’m A Work-In-Progress

God is working on you, for you, with you, in you and through you. You might not know it but just like clay in the hands of a potter, you are in His hands being… Continue reading